"Wondering Guide" (2024)
Book "Wondering Guide: Wonder-Land on Ecology and Society" (2024)
Wondering Guide:
A Wonder-Land on Ecology and Society
ZINE “Wondering Guide: A Wonder-Land on Ecology and Society” is based on the solo exhibition shown as part of the 17th shiseido art egg exhibition at Shiseido Gallery in 2024. Originally developed as my MA project in London, this body of work examines ‘the unintended consequences’ of our consumer society by looking at historic coastal landfill sites in the UK.
My artistic practice begins with archaeological excavation of the sites, using a range of photographic methods and photographic printing techniques. Consequently, it involves documenting the sites, with a consideration of how each method of photographic classification unearths new material connotations about the landfills. The images in this book illustrate its traces.
Publisher: Art Beat Publishers supported by FUJIXEROX
Publication date: August 2024
Size: 318 x 236 mm
Price: 3,500 yen + tax
Pages: 76 pages
ZINE『Wondering Guide: A Wonder-Land on Ecology and Society』は、2024年に第17回shiseido art egg展として開催された資生堂ギャラリーでの展覧会がベースとなっている作品集です。展覧会カタログではなく、展示作品に至るまでの軌跡であるイメージで構成しています。
発行元:アートビートパブリッシャーズ supported by FUJIXEROX
価 格:3,500円+税
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